Data Storage in BPjs

Aside from variables, BPjs allows storing data object for each b-thread, and in a b-program-level map. While this is not a part of “classic” bp, it allows for some useful techniques which the BPjs community found useful.

B-Thread Data Object

B-threads can store data in This field is only visible to the storing b-thread. It is useful for storing information that is globally relevant to a b-thread in a given state. For example, if we want our b-thread to block certain events, we can store these events at the b-thread level: = bp.EventSet("blocked", [eventA, eventB, eventC]);

Then, we can use our own synchronization function that also reads from the b-thread data field:

function sync(stmt) {
    stmt.block =;


For verification to work, the data object stored in the b-thread has to implement state-based hashCode and equals.

B-threads can be started with a pre-defined data object. This is done by passing that object to bp.registerBThread, as shown in the below code:

bp.registerBThread("BTwDT", {some:"Data", num:17}, function(){"BT data: {0}",;

Which prints out the below:

---:BPjs Started
[BP][Info] BT data: {JS_Obj some:"Data", num:17.0}
--:BPjs Event [BEvent name:Data]
-:BPjs Done BTwDT
---:BPjs Ended

B-Program Data Store

BP focuses on behaviors and events, and does not look so much into shared data storage. In particular, b-threads are only supposed to share data using events. This works for the most part, but sometimes it is easier to be able to share data in other ways. The B-Program data store allows sharing data using a map, reachable from any thread using

The storage model for the b-program store is transactional. Changes made by a given b-thread are visible only to that b-thread, until is requests synchronization. When entering a synchronization point, BPjs tries to consolidate all storage modifications. If the consolidation succeeds, the changes are applied and will be visible to the rest of the b-threads at the next cycle. If the consolidation fails, the b-program enters a failed state, similar to the one it enters after an assertion fails.


Developers can react to b-program store modifications, as well as change them, and attempt to fix storage conflicts. This is done by implementing the StorageModificationStrategy interface, and registering it with a BProgram. See StorageModificationStrategy javadoc for details.

B-Program Data Store API

The b-program data store is a map, where the keys are strings, and the values can be any object. Available methods include:

put(k,v):Puts v (any object) in field k (which must be a string).
get(k):returns the value in k, or null.
has(k):returns true if the storage has a value under k, and false otherwise.
remove(k):removes the value under k, if any.
keys():returns a set of all keys.
size():returns the number of keys.


For verification to work, the values in the b-program storage map should have state-based hashCode and equals. This is the default for JavaScript objects. When using Java objects - especially custom ones - ensure these methods are implemented.